Crescent Moon Visibility of Shawwal 1446 AH
The crescent visibility map below for Shawwal 1446 (RHS) shows that the moon will be born on 29 March 2025 at 10:58 GMT/UT, but it will not be visible by the naked eye anywhere in the UK to Morocco region on that date. However, on 30 March 2025, the moon may be easily seen in the UK and in most parts of the world. Hence, the month of Shawwal is most likely to start on 31 March 2025, InShaAllah. Note that there will be a Solar Eclipse on 29 March 2025 in Europe and the Americas and a Lunar Eclipse on 13 - 14 March 2025 across Europe to the Americas. Related: "Solar eclipse proves the inaccuracy of the Saudi Ummul Qura calendar" [English] | [اردو] | [বাংলা] | [العربية]
When to Observe the Crescent Moon of Shawwal 1446 AH
Please look for the Hilal of Shawwal 1446 AH on 30 & 31 March 2025 (29th Ramadan and the next day) after sunset from the western horizon and report your results (positive or negative) via our website Observation Report Form. [Photo Competition]
Results of Crescent Moon Observations for Shawwal 1446 AH
ICOUK Moon Report
No observation reports available
Announcement for start of Shawwal 1446 AH
No announcement available
Note that Saudi Arabia normally make their Shawwal announcement on their SPA ( website.